WHAT: We invite you to dream with us on Sunday night, July 11, in our quest to use the power of dreams to help heal the Gulf Waters!HOW: Dream, journey and/or vision for the Gulf on the night of the 11th/12th of July and in the morning post your dreams on our blog http://www.350dreamers.wordpress.com. Just click on the tab above that says Healing Gulf dreams
(https://350dreamers.wordpress.com/)and post your dream (or dream fragment … whatever you have …) as a comment.

Before bed on the night of July 11, simply set your intention to have a healing dream for the Gulf. Write this intention down and be prepared with a pen, notebook and flashlight next to your bed to record any dreams or fragments you recall.

WHY: Because we have the power to create positive, healing change. Imagine the potential of 350 + dreamers around the world, all having healing dreams for the Gulf waters and the people and creatures who depend on those waters for nourishment and sustenance!

WHERE: Wherever you are … WHO: We have dreamers signed up from Puerto Rico, Panama, Belgium, Canada, Japan, Argentina, The United States and more … we hope you’ll add your state or nation to the list! RSVP: Let us know you’ll be dreaming with us by posting comments here. Invite your friends to join us, too!

Wishing healing dreams to one and all! –Tzivia